I know I wasn't posting as much this year but I have been cooking quite a bit! I really need to create some system to get my recipes on my blog in an easier way! Any suggestions short of hiring an assistant, feel free to send me suggestions...So Good-Bye 2014....here is some of what I have made chronicling my year in food in review.
Cauliflower Tots is what caught my eye on Pinterest but when I saw the site included her version of Zucchini Tots and that was the abundant item currently from the summer's bounty...it is what I made. These are pretty healthy with lower fat cheese and were VERY good! I'd make again!
Bacon and Cheddar Zucchini Bread. Ha-Ha....mine looked anemic. Nothing like the picture on the website. Perhaps I needed to cook it more but the cake tester came out clean. I was afraid of drying it out. It was okay. I'd try again to see if it turned out better, but I was sad over the waste of good bacon in this. I think half of it got thrown away. You try it and see if yours looks like the one in their website. Let me know how you did!
I loveeeeeee demonstrating new foods for my students to try. These were a little treat I found on Pinterest. The students loved it so much I included it on my school website for the kids to have access to make at home if they wanted. So if picky 7th graders gobbled these down and wanted more, you may have a hit at home with your kids!
Every so often I become OBSESSED with some type of recipe. I have biscuits crumbs in my blood due to my grandmother making them all the time (Did I pass Me-mom?) However she would woefully say to us when we'd visit how sorry she was that these were not one of her better batches. WTH? They were always good! She was just overly perfectionistic! So the more I see recipes done on TV about biscuits and the flaky layers and the such...I wanted the same. See the monster you created in me Me-mom? Warning the recipe provided is good but it's really about the PROCESS of the dough folding. Trust me, don't ignore this warning, it's more about the folding than the recipe. I had to make this about 5 times to understand this. Don't be stubborn like me.
I made this Pumpkin resembling Cheeseball for halloween. I had printed it out last year but found it and made it this year. I searched for the recipe and found it on Food Network. It was really good with minced jalapeno and coated in ground up Dorito chips. Next year, I'd make it with more minced jalapenos. We like it zippy around here!
Sorry, I was too busy cooking on Thanksgiving....and we wanted to eat! But I included this picture because the real standout recipe that was new this year that I would DEFINITELY make again was the Chipotle Sweet Potatoes. Sweet Heat. We loved it. I think I enhanced the recipe by adding just a touch of brown sugar 1/4-1/2 cup to bump the sweetness. I buy those chipotle peppers in a can and separate the peppers out in their own baggie with some of the sauce and store them in the freezer! That is what this recipe called for ONE of those hot suckers in these here taters! Barely seen on the right...LOL
Christmas Holiday Party! We invited the neighbors to meet and greet. We hadn't done it in a long time. Those who came, we had a blast. Might consider doing this again, maybe a tradition...Hey, it's gets the house cleaned too! LOL. Found most of my ideas on Pinterest, modified them like the appetizer tree below. When I figured out that only half of the neighbors were coming I chopped half of my styrofoam cone down (AC Moore, Michael's Craft stores, Jo-Ann's). Covered in plastic wrap. It was fun to assemble but really appropriate for a large crowd. We had much of this tree left over.
This was adorably cute but I'd use a different recipe. Bottom half was mustard, onion with cheddar cheese and the top (head) was a pesto. Coated in Parmesan cheese. I just wasn't WOW'ed by the flavors. Use the favorite cheese ball recipe of your own and use the picture as a base how to SCULP your snowman. I will include the link so you can be your own judge if you like it or not.
I have made this Ranch Veggie Tree numerous times. Kids even love it. Very easy. I tweak their version on Pillsbury.com by using dry ranch mix in whipped cream cheese and my decoration of the tree is more prominent. Their site includes a video if you need it.
Classic Sausage Ball recipe by Bisquick. Next year I am making it with their Gluten Free mix since I have a GF neighbor and I would like to give her more options next time. Also I think I will hunt for an optional dipping sauce as well.
I am NOT a seafood eater, however my husband is. A good host has to please other people than herself, so sometimes she's gotta 'suck it up' and touch smell fish! K-man raved about this so this recipe will be repeated to keep him and my other guests in the future happy. Thanks Pioneer Woman!
Easy Peasy! Phyllo Shells, brie and Cranberry Sauce. Just melt brie for about 5 minutes in the oven and top with cranberry sauce. Yum!
Just a peek of the SPREAD....
Party Sweets! Top: Oreo Truffles, Middle: Salted Caramel Bon-Bons and Bottom: Pretzel Kisses and Pecan Rolo Pretzel Bites.
School Staff Food Gifts...Oreo Snowman
I tweaked this idea with adding sprinkles, and pull apart licorice garland. Staff loved them!
Lastly, I just wanted an old standby for a sweet treat during the holidays. Shortbread, simple, satisfies, makes many.
In Foodie Love,