I know I am slow on getting back to a regular schedule...but what is regular, right? Right now K-man is installing my back splash in the kitchen and I am so excited because it looks so nice! Don't worry pictures will come.
I am on class number 8 for grad school...pretty excited about that. The last two classes get done simultaneously. I don't know how that will pan out but thank god it's over the summer! I should be done in September!
We had a little scare with our fur baby Bikini- one night we noticed she was slobbering like a Saint Bernard and knew that wasn't normal. K-man thought the worst because he had a kitty from his past that was slobbering and found mouth cancer was the issue. However, we took her into the vet and she looked all over her mouth that she could see (looking into a wriggling cats mouth is no easy chore) and found no, sores, redness, oozing....anything. She had not been outside for supervised play lately nor had any new plants been added in the house. We could only speculate that perhaps her bug hunting got the best of her somehow and she was on 24 hour watch. Before any other invasive methods were going to be used next. Luckily it dissipated that night and she was back to normal by the next night. Phew! So now, she is all updated, weighing in at 13.8 lbs and on a "less treats" plan. LOL. Yeah, me too. Next week Scooter's turn for his yearly visit....K-man and I have wagers on HIS weight...I say under 10, Kirk disagrees.
Onto my product review. You may remember in my last post when I blogged about Primal Bake shop and their products? Today, I am trying out the Salted Caramel and adding bacon. I am going to use two types of bacon and test which tastes best. I have noticed that when cooked bacon get added to something baked it loses it crispiness and/or bacon flavor disappears. I noticed this phenomena when I made a frittata. So I am adding to half of my cookies, chopped Paleo bacon and the other half with Epic Bites Bacon (both are uncured with no nitrites).
1. First, this cookie rocks! For me being a chocolate lover. I am really surprised when I like a cookie better than a chocolate one.
2. The salt on top REALLY makes a difference. Do NOT leave it off.
3. The real Paleo chopped bacon tasted better and remained crispy. You can also see it. The Epic Bites didn't add any smoky goodness as the paleo bacon did. I did a taste test with K-man and gave him half a cookie of each and asked him if he tasted any difference. He tasted the Paleo bacon difference.
4. I did not conduct myself in a true scientist way and leave some cookies without bacon but oh well, I will have to order more to try them again!
5. The batch made roughly 18 cookies all that is needed to make the cookies is one stick of butter and 1 egg. You need to brown the butter first and you can make it with ghee but I will try the next batch with ghee. Although ghee doesn't really brown, it's the milk solids that brown and ghee has all milk solids removed. Then, I haven't tried to brown ghee, perhaps that is my next assignment?
6. You do have to chill the dough before you bake it and the 350 degrees for 9 minutes didn't seem long enough. I don't know if my dough was too cold but I had to cook them more than 9 minutes because they didn't seem cooked enough. These were slightly crispy edges and VERY chewy. Loved them. Although, they were "harder" the next day yet still chewy, let me explain why I LIKED this....Paleo cookies made with almond flour are very difficult to get that crispy chewy affect to last. After 24 hours all almond cookies tend to be soft, losing their crispy edges. I enjoy how these are staying firm.
7. Would I make these again and suggest you buy them too? Heck yes and yes. These mixes are great to have on hand in the cabinet for when you want a quick treat and don't want the hassle of dragging tons of ingredients out. Especially when you find out that you thought you had tapioca flour and it was coconut....grrrrrr.
8. The ingredient list on this cookie bag was pretty simple: almond flour, tapioca starch, coconut nectar sugar, baking soda and Himalayan pink salt. I would love to make more types of cookies with simple list of ingredients like this! Simple is better.
9. Be glad this mix only makes 18 cookies. More would be bad. I ate 3 on the first night.
10. Here is the video of the Civilized Caveman-George making these cookies. Hence, who introduced primal bake shop to me. Thanks George!
You want a cookie?