I remember when Magic Shell first came out and I thought it was the bomb. Then for many years, I stopped using it and forgot all about it. It had been a least 10 years since I used Magic Shell (it did come out in the 80's you know!), until last summer. OMG - Ick. Why did I like this stuff? I guess my chocolate palate has changed/developed with age.
Then I remembered...
I've had this recipe on my school webpage for years, it's made with REAL chocolate. Why not give it a chance. OH so much better!
It doesn't matter whether you prefer milk, dark or white chocolate, making your own magic shell with REAL quality chocolate makes all the difference!
Magic Shell
Printable Recipe
4oz chocolate chips
3 Tbsp. of butter
Melt chocolate chips and butter together, when ready to serve pour over ice cream, or even cake, this makes a wonderful frosting. You may need to make more, but keep it within these ratio's.
Cook's Note: Be sure to spread on a thin layer/or just stripes for if put on thick it will be difficult to break apart with your spoon!
Homemade magic shell... I love it!
Mwaaa haaa haaa...sheer evil genius, this is!! I am soooooo making it! I totally loved magic shell as a kid...as an adult...mmmmmmm....welllll...you know. But this I WILL make!
I think I stopped using majic shell when I looked at the nutritional value..SHOCKING
How cool! Can't wait to try it! :p
Now that is just driving me crazy until I make it. yum yum yum yum yum
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