Tuesday, March 24, 2009

XXX Cookies!

If you are a fan of the Lipsmack here, you are well aware of my obsession with cake mix cookies. I've decided to give it a rest and try something new....BROWNIE MIX! Lololololollol. Gotcha! I've been so busy making K-man these citrus-y based cookies...I've been dying to have another chocolate one. Time for some chocolate porn!

Triple Chocolate Brownie Cookies

1 box family style brownie mix (I used Duncan Hines chewy fudge)
*about 2 eggs (I used egg beaters)
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (plus more for tops)
1/2 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup coarsely chopped chocolate wafers cookies (mine were little chocolate cats from Trader Joe's)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place mix in a large bowl. Add your walnuts, chips and chopped cookies to fully distribute through the brownie mix.

The brownie mix was already using 2 eggs and 1/2 cup oil plus 1/4 cup water. I know I didn't want/need the water but I wanted to ensure that my brownie batter was going to be stiff enough....So here is the tricky part:

*I filled my 1/2 cup with egg beaters A LITTLE LESS than 1/2 cup. Pour onto mix. Place 1/2 cup of oil in mix. Slowly stir to see how it comes together. You want a stiff dough. I know I added just a splash more of the oil/egg until it came together as I wanted.

Use your small cookie disher or ice cream scoop to form into balls.

I then took each ball and dunked them into more chopped walnuts. Just half of it. Flip the ball over and....

Place onto cookie sheet and use hand to slightly press down. The nuts help to keep the dough from sticking to your fingers.

Bake for 10 minutes. If you eat one right out of the oven, you will think the middle is not done yet...but as they sit, they will firm up. You don't want to over cook them!

See? You want them fudgey and gooey in the middle!

Got milk?

Cake Mix Cookies on Foodista


  1. Oh I could easily down about 3 of those, Oh yes, I could!! They look that good!

  2. Delicious but dangerous...I would probably eat the whole batch. Thanks for sharing!

  3. i agree, delicious but dangerous!! nonetheless im very tempted to give these a go at home!!

  4. I was looking for a cookies recipe to make tonight... I think I found it!

  5. Ok you are killing me here!! You have definitely taken these cookies to another baking level!! What more can I say? The inside looks beyond gooey goodness.....

  6. Great pics! I am drooling!
    Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe!

  7. Wow! These cookies look awesome! We wanna bite the pc just looking this pic!
