Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh the Mockery!

Mmmmmm Creamy Mashed Potatoes!

NOT! What you see here is some totally creamy and practically fat free mashed cauliflower, an alternative for those evil mashed potatoes. Don't get me wrong, I loved those evil mashed potatoes but we can't have them all the time...but these are guilt free.

Here's what you need:

Mock Mashed Potatoes aka Cauliflower

1/2 head of cauliflower, steamed (I do mine in the microwave) and drained of all water
3 Tbsp. fat free sour cream
2 cloves roasted garlic (I like to roast a few bulbs of garlic and keep it in the fridge for when I want a 'gentler' garlic flavor)
1/4 cup reduced fat grated parmesan cheese (I used this for more 'binder' than flavor)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Put it the first three ingredients in the food processor and blend.

After you blend add your parmesan cheese, blend. Then add your salt and pepper. Blend again. Taste. Feel free to add more parmesan or sour cream to get the right consistency and/or flavor.

I took this out of the processor and put it in a serving dish and reheated it again. I wanted the cheese to melt and bind to keep the cauliflower from being too 'smooshy'.

Since K-man loves cauliflower, he totally loved this! Whip some up for your next meal!


  1. just made these - yum! I stirred in caramelized shallot after processing, and it added an entirely new depth of flavor. thanks!

  2. Hi, I fancy giving this simple recipe a go but I was wondering how you reheated it before serving.

  3. Mmmyra-
    I did not reheat them before serving. They were hot enough to be served right from the food processor. But microwaving them the day after to serve again was just fine. Thanks for stopping by!
