Thursday, August 13, 2009

I say "Toe-Mah-toe Taht"

Seeing as how we have tomatoes (or toe-mah-toes) coming out our ying-yang over here (and I am certainly not complaining!!) It's been fun finding all sorts of different ways to cook with our homegrown beauties!

On Kraft's First Taste site and it's kinda like a Baked BLT. But they didn't call it that. Regardless, it was yummy.

Rustic Tomato Tart
from Kraft's First Taste

ready-to-use refrigerated pie crust (1/2 of 15-oz. pkg.)
plum tomatoes (1 lb.), seeded, sliced
cups KRAFT Shredded Cheddar & Monterey Jack Cheese
cup KRAFT Mayo with Olive Oil Reduced Fat Mayonnaise
slices OSCAR MAYER Bacon
cup arugula

HEAT oven to 400ºF.

UNROLL pie crust on baking sheet. Arrange tomato slices in circular pattern on crust, overlapping slices as necessary to fit and leaving 2-inch border at edge. Mix cheese and mayo; spread over tomatoes. Fold edge of crust over tomatoes.

BAKE 20 to 24 min. or until cheese is melted and crust is golden brown. Meanwhile, cook bacon until crisp. (My bacon was already cooked from the day before, since it was cold I put the chopped bits on top of the tart during the last five minutes of cooking)

COOL tart 10 min. Crumble bacon. Top tart with arugula and bacon.

Have a BITE!

You should have seen K-man eat this. He ate all the lettuce off the top first, like it was some punishment to eat his salad before he was allowed to get to the bacon-y goodness. I on the other hand had a piece of lettuce with each bite of tart. Too funny he is. He certainly likes his 'good stuff' at the end!



  1. Boy oh Boy does this ever look de-li-cious! I am so hungry for lunch! :P

  2. umm yes..I do want a bite!
    That looks soooo good. I too often crave bacon!

  3. This looks wickedly delicious! Kraft has some awesome recipes.

  4. YUM! This looks so good! There's also an awesome Italian version of this that I actually made last night:
    I'll have to try this too, thanks!

  5. I don't care what it's on. Bacon good. Yum

  6. WOW! I am drooling at those pictures! Great JOB! I think I might have to try this recipe tomorrow!
