Saturday, August 8, 2009

Better Than Store Brand for SURE!

There are a few bloggers out there who've made their own pop tarts.

Although I appreciate making homemade dough, etc. I wanted something easy and to use up the prepared pie crust I had in the freezer.

Seeing this recipe on Chez Pim got me started...So if you want the old school version to make your own pop on her link. If you want an easier way...continue reading.

K-man's favorite condiment is orange marmalade. You see all types of filling for those poptarts but no orange filled ones.

Until now....

Orange Poptarts

1 prepared pie dough, to room temperature
1/4 c. orange marmalade
1 small can of mandarin oranges, drained

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

In a small bowl, put in your mandarin oranges and use a spoon to break them up a bit. Stir in your orange marmalade. Set aside.

Roll out your dough a bit more on parchment paper. Carefully cut your dough into quarters. Spoon your marmalade mixture onto half of the triangle (envision you folding the large quarter in half to make a narrower triangle) After all the quarters have their fillings, fold them over and use a fork to crimp the edges. (Chez Pim cut all her edges to make them neater...I didn't feel the need)

Take a pair of scissors and clip a small vent on the tops or your edges will ooze filling (like mine, I didn't make my cut deeper enough with my knife)

Bake for 18-20 minutes. Check after 15 just in case. Bake until golden brown.

Simply yummy!

These were even better with a little chocolate drizzled on top!

K-man was dancing around when he got his own personal orange "hand pie"!



  1. How funny you made these! I made orange and apricot tunrovers the other day with some left over puff pastry dough.

  2. These are awesome.. I've seen a few homemade poptart recipes and bookmarked them, but haven't tried making them yet. What in the world am I waiting for!?

  3. Oh thank you for posting this. I so have to try these for my kiddos. They would love them!! Yes, better with the chocolate.

  4. Great choice of fruit for these! I'm just starving for breakfast right now. Boy, could I go for one of these!
