Tuesday, August 25, 2009

5 minute Sticky buns and my first GIVEAWAY!

Well, kinda...

I am having my first giveaway....but the sticky buns aren't EXACTLY made in 5 minutes...

I used my Artisan Bread in 5 minutes dough to make them. As you know, cinnamon rolls, sticky buns -whatever are a bit laborious BUT these are totally worth it. I've made a few different recipes of sticky buns....this is my NEW - 'when you want sticky bun- make these' recipe! Get ready to bookmark this.

From Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a day:

Use your basic master recipe for Boule (Artisan Free Form Loaf) found on page 26 of the book. Here is the link from when I baked my first loaf.

I made the full recipe this time....I've been making only half recipe and my container was barely big enough!

Sticky Caramel Bacon Rolls
ADAPTED from page 187 of Artisan Bread in Five minutes a day

Makes 6-8 large caramel rolls

The book suggested using any of the refrigerated pre-mixed doughs: Challah (page 180), Brioche (page 189), or Boule (page 26). I used the Boule and it was perfect!

1 - 1/2 pounds of dough (use a scale rather trying to judge what canteloupe sized is)

The Caramel Topping:

6 T. unsalted butter, softened
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup brown sugar (I used light)
30 pecan halves (I had only chopped and I just 'eyed' the covering the sauce in the pan)

The Filling:

4 T. salted butter, melted
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 cup chopped and toasted pecans
pinch of black pepper
1/2 cup raisins (I put this on ONE half of the dough for K-man)
1/2 cup chopped BACON (we love bacon with sweet sticky stuff)

1. On baking day, mix together the butter, salt and brown sugar. Spread evenly over the bottom of of a 9 inch cake pan (FAT DADDIO works GREAT). Scatter the pecans over the butter sugar mixture and set aside.

2. Dust the surface of the refrigerated dough with flour and cut off a 1-1/2 pound piece. Dust the piece with flour and shape into a ball. This dough will be sticky, try to not work into too much flour.

3. With a rolling pin, roll out the dough to a 1/2 inch thick rectangle. As you roll out the dough, use enough flour to prevent it from sticking to the work surface. Again careful on the amount for too much will make dough dry.

4. Melt the butter and spread with basting brush onto dough rectangle. Sprinkle mixed sugar and spices onto the melted butter. Sprinkle with nuts, raisins, and/or bacon. Starting with the long side, roll the dough into a log. If the dough is too soft to cut let it chill for 20 to firm up. (It was too soft yes, but I just dealt with it....an extra 20 minutes was NOT in my plan!) You may need a metal bench/counter scraper to help you roll for this dough will be sticky in places.

5. With a very sharp serrated knife, cut the log into 8 equal pieces (BAH- I used dental floss - it doesn't smoosh the dough! and I cut it into 6 pieces. No way I could see 8 pieces fitting into that pan!) and arrange over the pecans in the pan with the 'swirled' edge facing upward. Cover loosely with plastic wrap (spray it with non-stick spray) and allow it to rest and rise 1 hour.

6. Twenty minutes before baking time, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. If you're not using a stone in the oven, 5 minutes is adequate. Be sure to have a piece of foil, silpat or baking sheet under your 'buns'....the sugar may boil up and over (mine did)

7. Bake about 40 minutes or until golden brown and well set in center. While still hot, run a knife around the inside of the pan to release the caramel rolls (I sprayed the pan and the hot goo underneath it kept it from sticking) and invert immediately onto a serving dish. If you let them set to long they will stick to the pan and be difficult to turn out. (YES! The sugar was sticky by the time I put it on the plate and brought them to breakfast)

Freshly inverted and I can see the sugar 'stickifying'. OMG, BSOE! Best smell on earth! You can see the raisin ones for K-man and the non-raisin ones for me!

Let me tell ya. This bread was so SOFT and FLUFFY. Was not dense in the least. After eating one, you wanted another. It was worth dealing with the stickiness when rolling and cutting. The buttery goodness the sticky parts the crunchy parts. The toasted pecans with the smoky bacon! THUD....I've died and gone to heaven!
I woke up around 8:30 (fed the cat, made coffee and got a start on these) and we didn't eat them until 11. We were so starving but they were soooooooooo worth the wait!


I made you wait long enough, didn't I? I didn't want to wait for my Blogoversary and I thought my 200th post was good enough.

Since summer is coming to a close and local fruits are starting to wane and we still don't want our kitchen to be hot for the next two months.... I want to send some lucky reader the book:

by Laura Chattman

There is a plenty in here to make with fresh fruits or canned fruits. You can bake your own cake or use premade ones like angel food or freezer pound cake. All the recipes you need for pastry creams, whipped creams, puddings etc. There is so much wiggle room for you to substitute with what works for YOU! There are also some fun cakes using twinkies and swiss rolls!

If you are interested...just leave a comment either about my sticky rolls or your interest in making some new fun ice box desserts for your family.

Sorry friends in other countries....only for US residents at this time!

I really think you'd want this book in your collection....I found it hard to give up and not keep in my own vast cookbook collection. I will have a boston cream pie post very soon and this book gave me the idea for it! Giveaway open until next weekend....my last hurrah before I go back to the classroom! - THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED!



  1. I love the idea of ice box cakes, just sounds so old fashioned to me! Thanks the the chance!

  2. You have me salivating over those sticky buns!

  3. I love to make refrigerated desserts, especially in the summer, for their ease and cool, fresh flavor. Thank you very much for this chance!

  4. The bacon added to the sticky buns sounds divine. Love, love, love bacon!!

  5. This looks really good

  6. ok I made these and are out oven now. My house smells like a carmamel factory. Husband grabbed one out of the pan and begged me not to take them to work tomorrow. These are great and will definitely use them for every office function.


  7. these are like heaven. They have been out of the oven for about an hour and my husband gave them 5 minutes to cool. Caramel desserts are my favorite and the bacon adds a nice kick.

    thanks for sharing. You are the best cooking teacher in my house

  8. My daughter wants to be a baking and pastry chef so your book would be wonderful for her.

  9. oh yum!! I have just started making the 5-minute bread! I am going to HAVE to make sticky-buns this weekend.

  10. Thanks Jenny! I'm Jeff Hertzberg, one of the co-authors of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I'm so glad our recipes are working well for you. Come visit us anytime at http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com, where you can post questions into any "Comments" field, or click on "Bread Questions" on the left side of the homepage and choose among the options.

    Jeff Hertzberg

    Chicago tribune video: http://us.macmillan.com/BookCustomPage.aspx?isbn=9780312362911&m_type=2&m_contentid=119255#video

  11. Must have sticky roll with bacon!!!!! Oh my god...seriously...must try them!

  12. you added bacon? Oh good lord you added bacon to the rolls?? Oh you are my hero!!!

  13. I really am going to try these sticky rolls. I think my kids would think I was a genius if I made those!

  14. Sticky rolls look good. Only thing I'd probably modify is adding more for filling. I love me a thick brown sugar cinnamon filling.

  15. This cooks like a wonderful cookbook.


  16. The sticky buns look wonderful, and I love the idea of bacon on them! I'll have to look into Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, too.

    Count me in for the cookbook. Looks like fun!

  17. I would love this book. I am always looking for new dessert recipes and in the summer you just want something refreshing and cool.

  18. I am always looking for new recipes. Nice giveaway and thanks :)


  19. Sticky buns look great! Would also love to make some icebox cakes with my boy that loves to spend time in the kitchen!

  20. My grandma used to make a strawberry "refrigerator cake" that was so good. The cookbook looks great. Thanks!

  21. Those sticky buns have me starving! Im surprised i didn't attack my monitor! & I'd love to try some icebox cakes!

  22. I've been scouring the internet for new dessert recipes lately. I'm sick of regular old chocolate chip cookies and brownies.

    lauriemac982 at aol dot com

  23. Oh how yum those sticky buns look! I really ant to try to make some. I never have, so what better time to make them? Cakes are always devoured around our house, so it would be extra terrific to find some new recipes for new cakes.
    talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

  24. That last picture of your sticky bread made me so hungry that I just decided to go for Lunch: Round Two!

    shrimpsaladcircus at gmail dot com

  25. My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures of your sticky yummy gooeyness! Nice job! I would love to win!

  26. I've never made icebox cakes before...I'd really like to try!

  27. Wow - the sticky buns look awesome. I am in search of some new recipes for my family, so this cookbook would be awesome

  28. I love cookbooks and the icebox cake recipes look delicious. Please enter me.


  29. I have only made one icebox cake so far but it was so refreshing! I would just love to expand my repertoire!


  30. I love your sticky rolls and I would love this book!
