Monday, June 1, 2009

Playing with my food...

Wheeeeeeee! I got my prize!

I entered Mommy I'm Hungry's blog giveaway and this is what I won....

More importantly....I got a handwritten letter from Nora too....writing notes is a lost art. How sweet of her!!!

Soooooo, I am looking at my two cake mixes....thinking....hmmmmmmm. I will make a cake with the one....what should I do with the other for FUN? Should I make a cake? Cupcakes? Hmmmm, it's been awhile since I made a cake-mix cookie though....hmmmmm. How about BOTH!!!!!

So here is how I did it....

I weighed out the mix and put half in a bowl. The directions called for 1-1/4 cups of milk, 1/2 cup oil and 2 eggs.
I figured for a half batch of cupcakes (the box makes 24) I would use 1/2 cup plus 2T milk, 1/4 cup oil and 1 egg.

For fun....I had some extra cookies hanging around. Some oreos and some chocolate cookies. The mix seemed like it needed more 'friends' Got out the ol' rolling pin...*crunch-crunch* K-man yelled from the basement "Come-in!" hahahahahaha

Here's half of the mix and the 'extra friends' added.

I baked the cupcakes for the time recommended on the box....nicely rounded tops.....

...and the mix cut in half made *18 cookies. *Not all shown for they were being tested for 'quality control'

For the cookie cake mix recipe:

Half of cake mix
1/4 cup oil
1 egg
2 tsp. milk

Mix. Add milk by tsp until it comes together more like a cookie dough. Bake @ 375 for 10 minutes. Let set on cookie sheet for 2 minutes and transfer to cooling rack.

Cook's Notes: These were awesome! Often times I can detect this 'taste' that all cake mixes have. It's weird, no matter what flavor the cake mix....they all have this 'fake taste' thing going on....Not this mix. AND, it was so nice to read the ingredients and be able to not only recognize what they were but also to pronounce them all. LOL. Thank you so much Naturally Nora.....and I make my next box...unadulterated! The Chocolate frosting was incredible...I will never use the canned stuff every again! Thanks Rachelle for the giveaway....good pick!

Cake Mix Cookies on Foodista

1 comment:

  1. Here are two faces for you! :-) This one is happy for you!! You deserve it!! YEA!! :-( This one is sad for me because a never win ANYTHING! Pity party for myself!! Cupcakes look amazing!!
