Monday, June 8, 2009

CCC's with a twist

I know that there are many cookies that have cereal in it to give it some crunch. I found one of those such recipes, it called for corn flakes. But I wanted a twist, so I used my Special K Red Berries. So I got my crunch and a berry twist.

I read culinary mysteries if you didn't know. I love a good mystery and it feeds the food blogger in me with recipes throughout the story. LOVE IT. The base of this recipe came from the Chocolate Chip Crunch Cookie Murder book by Joanne Fluke.

Chocolate Chip Strawberry Crunch Cookie
adapted from CC Crunch cookie recipe by Joanne Fluke

2 sticks of butter, melted (yes all her recipes call for melting the butter)
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs (just beat with a fork in a glass)
2 1/2 cups flour
2 cups Special K Red Berries, crushed (just crush them with your hands)
1-2 cups chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Melt butter, add the sugars and stir. Add soda, salt, vanilla and beaten eggs. Mix well. Then add flour and stir it in. Add crushed corn flakes and chocolate chips and mix it all thoroughly.
Form dough into walnut sized balls using your small ice cream scooper. Place on parchment paper covered cookie sheet. I put about 8 balls on the sheet to test sizing when baking. So glad I did. The recipe said 12 per sheet and they would have all been stuck together! So 8 is great. Use a fork to press them down slightly before baking. Bake for 10 minutes. Cool on cookie sheet for 2 minutes, then remove to a wire rack until they are completely cool.

I handed one of these to K-man when they were slightly warm. All he said was "UH" as he closed his eyes and chewed. I said "are they awful?" He said...."yeah, awfully GOOD!"
These cookies are chewy yet crunchy not crispy. These are a definite keeper!

Chocolate Chip Strawberry Crunch Cookies on Foodista


  1. These sound terrific. I will have to check this book out, what are some of your other fav culinary reads? Id love to know.

  2. Jenny!!

    What the heck? Those cookies sound incredible. Do they have a crunch from the cereal? Great photos once AGAIN!!
