Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Killah Kookies

I see why these cookies won a prize...$1000 bucks! That is like $5 a chocolate chip kinda stuff. I found this recipe on My Wooden Spoon, who had a guest poster showcase her prize winning cookies. I hope Lynn who's an 'at home mom' bought herself something nice! Check out her site, she's got some cool recipes!

Chocolate Toffee Pecan Cookies
adapted from Lynn's Kitchen Adventures

These cookies are large cookies. They are made to be like a cookie you would buy in a coffee shop or bakery. I have tried making them smaller, but it changes the texture. You want these large.


  • 2 c. plus 2 Tbsp flour
  • ½ tsp. baking soda
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 12 Tbsp butter, melted
  • 1 c. brown sugar (I used 1/2 c. brown sugar splenda)
  • ½ c. sugar
  • 1 egg, plus 1 egg yolk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (I used half chips half chopped chocolate)
  • 4 ounce English toffee bits
  • 3/4 cup chopped pecans, very finely chopped (mine were more coarse, cuz you can see them on the cookie!)


Preheat oven to 325. In a bowl, mix dry ingredient. In mixing bowl, combine butter and sugars until well blended. Add egg, yolk, and vanilla. Batter will appear slightly greasy. Add dry ingredients, until blended. Add chocolate chips, pecans, and toffee pieces. Scoop in ¼ c. balls onto cookie sheet. I use an ice cream scoop. Place 6 on each cookie sheet. You should only place 6 per sheet because these are large cookies and they spread out. Bake for 15 minutes.

These made 17 cookies. (well 17 and 1/2 but I didn't want the 'little' one to overcook)

Wonderful cookies. Next time I think I will put more toffee bits in them....I think they were hiding in the chocolate!


  1. These sound amazing...wow, good on her!!

  2. Oh I will have to try these, they lok unbelievable!

  3. These do look Killah! Love the toffee bits in there! Great photo!

  4. Jenny,

    Does that brown sugar splenda change the taste of the cookies at all? I have baked with the white sugar splenda and love it! GREAT PHOTOS AGAIN! I am jealous (bad trait to have!)

  5. Hi Jenny,
    It looks so delicious and I love their shapes.I want to try this.Perhaps They go very well with a cup of tea.
    Thanx 4 sharing the recipe and the great photos.
