Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cooking/Bonding Experience

I know that often Mother's Day is when we should give Mom a rest in the kitchen. But some of you mom's just can't sit still. Here is a fun activity in the kitchen that the kids can do and you can get your cup of coffee and watch/relax while they bump up their cooking skills!

Let my 6th grade class demonstrate for you how to do it and the recipe will follow:

Gather your ingredients:

-can of biscuits (your choice of type/size) -pepperoni slices (we always use the turkey ones) -about 1/3 package of mozzarella cheese
-parmesan cheese/ garlic salt
-tomato sauce (plain not the spaghetti sauce from the jar - too much sugar in it!!!)

Put some flour on your counter and lightly coat each piece from the can. The kids love opening the can and having it POP in their hands! Tear off a piece of wax paper, fold in half and have the kids roll out the biscuit to be flatter and bigger. (Sorry....flour and biscuits are difficult to see on white counter tops! Look hard!)

In a muffin tin spray with non stick cooking spray, line 8/10 cups with your flattened dough (the number of 'pizzas' will depend on the number of biscuits per can) These thick 'flaky' jumbo biscuits could have easily been split in half to make 16 pizzas but you will see how they turn out later....

Place a tsp of sauce in each cup. Prior to this, my students put 1 tsp of Italian seasoning in about 1/2 cup of tomato puree. This group forgot to add 1 Tbsp. of grated parmesan cheese. Oh well.

Put in a slice of pepperoni on top of your sauce.

Prior to this step, you want your kids to grate their own cheese. I know that it's easier to buy the shredded cheese but they put 'stuff' on that shredded cheese to keep it from sticking and I don't think the bagged stuff tastes as good's good to have your kids experience grating cheese...nice and slow no harm will come to grating carrots....a little more risky!

Alrighty, these puppies are ready to be put in their PREHEATED oven (another important thing to impress on the kiddies!)

Moms....don't put these in the ovens for your kids. Let them put the oven mitts on and do this....ovens are not to be scared of if used properly! You have no idea how many of my students are terrified of putting their hands in the oven....I have to show them (with my own hands) the heat is nothing to's the metal inside but with an OVEN MITT fear. Teach your kids confidence....not fear! I really think many people avoid cooking as adults from scary/misguided cooking experiences!

TA-DA! Ginormous hand-held kid friendly pizzas. These are great for family snacks, dinner (with a side salad) or something perfect for those slumber parties where all the kids are involved. Trust me there is plenty for many kids to do with this recipe!

Lunch Box Pizzas

1 tube (7-1/2 ounces) refrigerated biscuits* (8-10 biscuits)
1/4 c. tomato sauce (I like puree better for it's thicker)
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 Tbsp. grated parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp. garlic salt
10 slices pepperoni
3/4 c. shredded Monterry Jack or Mozzarella cheese

Flatten each biscuit into a 3-inch circle and press into a greased muffin cup. Combine the tomato sauce and Italian seasoning, parmesan, garlic salt; spoon 1 tsp into each cup. Top each with a slice of pepperoni and about 1 Tbsp of cheese. Bake at 425ยบ for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator. 8-10 servings.

*The grands type or jumbo type biscuit are great....renders jumbo sized pizzas. Also the flaky types of biscuits can be split to give you double the amount of biscuits. I have also had the kids you the tortilla press with the biscuits. I offer both rolling pin and the press and let them decide which is 'funner'

ENJOY and GET THOSE KIDS COOKING (and washing the dishes too!)


  1. My nieces and nephews would love these. My niece is "chef in training!" I will have to show her these.

  2. These are fantastic Jenny - I shall remember this one to make with kids!
