Saturday, May 23, 2009

Chicken and Waffles?

Or hot chicken salad? Hard to decide...

I love buying the rotisserie chicken and shredding it up (@ 4.99 on sundays) and making fun stuff with it (enchiladas, pot pie, white lasagna). But as much as we love chicken creativity wants to kick in. I heard of Hot Chicken Salad casserole and as I searched around on allrecipes for some ideas one thing stood out....I like celery but I am not a fan of it hot and mushy. I enjoy the crunchiness of it but I guess having it in stuffing is the only way I do like it hot....

Easy Hot Chicken Salad and Waffles

2-3 cups chicken, cooked and shredded
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup mixed vegetables, cooked
1/4 cup mayonaisse
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
French's onion rings

Using your leftover waffles from breakfast or the premade toaster variety will work here, get them heated and ready to go.

In a small dish, cook your mixed veggies in the microwave (these take a little longer to cook, hence why they are not included in the next step). In a medium bowl, put your shredded chicken, soup and mayo in a bowl to mix. Nuke this creamy mixture to get it warmed through. When the veggies are cooked enough....add them to the creamy chicken mixture. Continue micrwaving the mixtures until hot. Add cheese and stir through. Heat for another minute until cheese melted.
Arrange your waffles and pile on your creamy chicken mixture and top with onion rings. Place under broiled until browned (I cheated here and used the kitchen "blow torch") lol


  1. Chicken and Waffles..Of yes indeed. I ate at a place in LA called Roscoes Chicken and waffles. It was in the HOOD..but it was the best chicken and waffles I have ever had!

  2. Jenny,

    I am like you about celery. I need to get a kitchen blow torch! My list of "wants" grows everyday while reading all these blogs. The chicken salad and waffles sound beyond incredible! Kenny (husband) would love these. Did K-man like them? I am pretty sure that he did! Have a great day.

  3. Never had chicken and waffles before, but this sure makes me want to try.

  4. I would not have thought to do a savoury waffle like this but it sounds really good!
