Monday, April 20, 2009

Two Classics merged into one!

So can you tell what classic casserole this is?

Figured it out yet?

Looks like your typical green bean casserole right? Well, you are close....

I won't torture you anymore....Yes, parts of this casserole is the classic green bean and mushroom soup casserole. You probably eat this at least once a year at Thanksgiving time. Me too. Another casserole I grew up eating that my mom made was chicken and rice with mushroom soup on top...So I began to think "One casserole is missing vegetables and the other casserole is missing some protein, why can't I combine these two favorites of mine?"

And I did....

Twisted Chicken Mushroom and Green Bean Casserole*

3/4 cup rice
8oz/1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 cup slivered almonds, toasted
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup chicken broth
2 boneless chicken breasts
salt and pepper to taste
8 oz/1 cup FROZEN green beans, regardless of style -bite size pieces
1 can French's Onion Rings

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Grease a 9 inch glass casserole dish. Sprinkle half of the rice into the casserole dish. Place the sliced mushrooms on the rice and sprinkle the remaining rice onto the sliced mushrooms. When the mushrooms cook, they will render water which will be needed to cook the rice. In a large bowl put the can of mushroom soup and mix in evaporated milk, chicken broth, cut green beans and almonds. Cut chicken into bite sized pieces and season with salt and pepper. Add the chicken to the soup mixture and stir until combined. Put chicken and soup mixture on the rice/mushroom layer. Bake for 40 minutes (or until you test the rice to be cooked to your liking). Slide out oven rack and put on the onion rings on top. Press slightly and bake for another 5 minutes or until onion rings are browned.

*This is typically a family sized type of dinner, you can double this and put it in a 9X13 casserole. But K-man and I don't want to be eating this for over a week....

Crunchy, crispy, creamy, tender chicken and mushroomy goodness!


  1. This looks amazing! Saw your pictures on foodgawker and couldn't wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  2. When do you put the green beans on?

  3. This looks awesome! I found your photo thru Foodgawker! I'm going to have to try this!

  4. Who would have thought it?? (Jenny would!!) Two classics combined in to one!! I have to say you are most definitely on to something!! I am pretty sure I could eat this for a week...

  5. Ah yes, the green beans....I put them cut up with the chicken, soup, etc. I will correct the above if any of you are printing this recipe. Please's a kick butt combo!

  6. What a great amalgamation of two fabulous casseroles! Looks delicious. What great creative cooking!

  7. LOL @ "amalgamation". I don't think anyone has ever used that word about my cooking before. Too funny.

  8. This look like a great casserole! 2 questions can you make this ahead of time and then just before you need to? Is the chicken per cooked or raw? Thank you

  9. If you make the full recipe in a 9x13, how long should it bake for? Thx!!

  10. Sarah, it's not like a cake. Regardless if it's a 9 inch square pan or 9x13. It will still be the same thickness. So the 40 minutes should be fine but no recipe and oven is a perfect match. So always check as it is cooking to get the right results for you. I have a double oven one has a pizza stone and the other does not. The pizza stone oven doesn't heat as well for 350 type of recipes so it takes longer where the lower one heats hot. You gotta know your oven(s) to cook your foods best!

  11. Cant wait to make, just have to go shopping first!
