Thursday, April 9, 2009

Get out your TV table....

Nuffin says lovin' like meatballs from the oven!

I've so many meatball recipes to choose from on my fellow foodie blogs! I wanted certain flavors yet on the healthy I did some tweaking on this yummy recipe:

BBQ Meatballs
adapted from Pioneer Woman

1 1/2 lbs ground beef (I used ground turkey)
3/4 c. oats
1 cup milk (I used evaporated milk and only about 1/2 cup at first....didn't want them to be overly mushy and 1/2 c. was PERFECT!)
3 Tbsp. finely minced onion
3 Tbsp. finely chopped bell peppers (I just grabbed a handful from the salad bar)*
Large handful of frozen spinach, microwaved and squeezed dry with a towel
1 clove of garlic
1 -1/2 tsp. salt
black pepper
1 cup ketchup
2 Tbsp. sugar
3 Tbsp vinegar
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce ('whatzthishere' sauce)
4-6 Tbsp. onion

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Combine first nine ingredients with a fork.

Roll into medium balls and place on rack on a cookie sheet. Bake until cooked through (pioneer woman dredged hers in flour and cooked in a frying pan, I like mine baked so the fat can drain off). *It is always smart to add extra veggies when using ground turkey for they can be a bit dry without the veggies.

How cute is THAT?

Bake @ 350 for about 10 minutes. You don't need to worry about fully cooking them for they cook more later!

At some point I take them off and place them on this rack...not only do I want the fat cooked off but all the veggies render some water and I don't want my meatballs soggy either!

Place in baking dish. Combine remaining sauce ingredients and pour onto meatballs and bake for 45 minutes.

Very little fat in these and some healthful veggies to boot! K-man will never know since they are submerged in this tasty sauce!

Tune into tomorrow for the 'comfy' side dish that accompanied these luscious meatballs!


  1. Great meatballs! Even better if those were baked! I hate to fry.

  2. These meatballs look fabulous. I adore turkey meatballs; in fact, I can't remember the last time I ate red meat in a meatball. Yours look especially fabulous! Can't wait to try out the recipe.
