Friday, April 24, 2009

Because you Love him...

Sometimes, I just like to put together a dinner, meal or special dessert for my K-man.  That is just how I am....I like to let him know not only do I love and appreciate him but I am thinking of him and his's fun to surprise him with something 'special' that HE likes (it's win/win, if I like it too) 

Here is a sandwich I put together for my K-man because it has many of his favorite things...

Rye Bread
Avocado (that man will halve and eat an avocado with a spoon in it's peel with pepper only just for a SNACK)
grilled flank steak (we love the Mc Cormick's MESQUITE marinade)
green onion
cherry tomatoes (I should have roasted them!)
horseradish sauce

Let's put it together!

I heated up the leftover flank steak just enough.  I didn't want to lose too much pink in the meat.  Toast your bread by either toaster or grilling on a pan.  Melt your cheese.  Top with meat on one side....tomatoes on the other.  Cheese is very important for it acts as your 'glue' in a STACKED sandwich.

Now I topped the meat with his avocado with some salt and pepper and some green onions on the tomatoes.

Now carefully....STACK IT...

Cut it open and look at what you got...


This sandwich definitely produced a huge smile and lots of "Mmmmm-mmmm's"  He even did the dishes afterward! situation!


  1. Mmmmmmmmm..... that says it all.

  2. Cracks me up!! Mr. Crabby Head says he coming to your house for dinner!! I told him if he stayed here I would make this for him tomorrow night. Please tell me that the photo was published EVERYWHERE????

  3. Oh man, lucky K-man. This dish looks AMAZING. Great job! I'm with you: best way to a man's heart is through his tummy. I love surprising Todd with one of his favorite dishes (although is fav happens to be my most time-consuming lasagna recipe). Perhaps I'll try to convince Todd that this sandwich is one of his favs :) That would definitely be a win/win!

  4. This is epic win, and I want to scratch your cat's armpits.

  5. Now that is what I call a sandwich!!
