Sunday, March 8, 2009

Say Goodbye with Apple Cake

It's been pretty nice out this weekend (like low 70's) and considering we got pounded with snow on Monday with 6-8 inches, this warmth is pretty miraculous! I see for the weather next week's warming up! I even did some 'seeding in peat trays' yesterday to jumpstart on my spring planting. So I am ready for spring...I am done with the bitter days of winter. I made an apple cake seemed like the wintery like thing to make...So goodbye winter! You aren't needed anymore...

Apple Cake

2 apples
1 cup flour
1 cup white sugar, plus 2 tablespoons to sprinkle
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 -3 teaspoons powdered cinnamon (2 tsp seemed to cover it enough)
½ stick butter (I used smart balance 50/50 blend)
2 large eggs
1 cup milk (I used my leftover buttermilk to use it up)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven 350°F

2. Grease a 9x9 inches baking pan.

3. Peel apples and cut in thin slices, sprinkle with sugar. Set aside.

4. Mix the flour, sugar and baking powder.

5. In another bowl, mix eggs, milk and vanilla.

6. Pour a half of the dry mix in the pan, cover with the apple slices with the juices, sprinkle the cinnamon and put small cubes of butter over cinnamon.

7. Pour over the other half of dry mix and cover with the egg/milk mix. Insert a fork in the middle and sides of the raw cake, making dry mix absorb the liquid.

Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden brown or cake tester comes out clean. (I added some walnuts on top cuz we like our baked stuff "nutty."

Mmmmm, I can't wait until after dinner for some of this!


  1. My goodness..there sould be no need to wait until after dinner to eat this!!! LOL

  2. Oh, how weird that you don't mix the dry and wet ingredients together! I can't wait to try this - looks delish!

  3. Ok, that looks really good. Does Smart Balance bake ok?? I have to learn how to put multiple photos on my blog posts. I really liked looking at all your photos and process of making the Apple Cake! Have a good week!

  4. What an interesting way to make this, sounds good to me, and looks delicious!! My family lives down in Arlington and were saying the same thing about the weather, so weird!

  5. I made this yesterday! It turned out great.
