Monday, March 2, 2009

No Potato Famine Here!

Have you ever made your own potato pancakes? No? You say they are too much work? Well, I got news for you...If my 8th graders can make them, clean up and eat them all in 43 minutes....then you have no excuse! Are you going to let a 8th grader show you up?

Potato Pancakes
Yields 4 Servings

1 Tbsp & 1 tsp. All-Purpose Flour
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp. Pepper
1 Egg
1/2 Medium Onion, Chopped Very Fine
1 lb. Potatoes, Grated
Vegetable Oil

1. Wash and scrub potatoes. Now peel and slice into halves.
2. Measure the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix.
3. Take half onion and grind up in food processor. Switch blades on food processor and shred potatoes.
4. Place potato/onion mixture on clean dish towel. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible by twisting in a towel over the sink.
5. Add egg onto dry ingredients then pile shredded potatoes with the wet ingredients. Mix thoroughly.
6. Pour 2 Tbsp. of oil into a large, heavy frying pan over medium high heat.

7. Spoon 1/2 cup of potato mixture into the pan for each pancake.

Flatten the pancakes slightly. Cook until crispy and brown, turning once (about 8 minutes total).

Funny when you tell the kids they are making potato pancakes, they have a look of either uncertainty or discust. But when you tell them potato pancakes are all over the world with different names (also Latkes) but in America we call them hash browns....there is a collective "OH!!!!!" followed with smiles. LOL

I believe the kids said these were "Off the hook!" This was the first time, the kids gobbled them up and didn't even ask for ketchup!!! They even ate part of it...saved it and took it out to have their friends sample, they were so proud!

Are YOU a better than an 8th grader?

Oops I forgot to give you this week's upcoming Food Holidays yesterday...better late than never!

March 2, 2009 National Banana Cream Pie Day
March 3, 2009 National Cold Cuts and Mulled Wine Day
March 4, 2009 National Pound cake Day
March 5, 2009 National Cheese Doodle Day
March 6, 2009 National Frozen Food and White Chocolate Cheesecake Day
March 7, 2009 National Cereal and Crown Roast of Pork Day
March 8, 2009 National Peanut Cluster Day

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