Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday Blues Week #1

What's worse than the impending doom of work on a Sunday night? The impending doom of going back to work after a two week vacation...THAT's whats worse!!! SIGH....

They say death and taxes are guaranteed. I say add vacation ending to that list. So all my blog fun may slow down once I get back into the swing of teaching again. Plus, in two weeks we have a semester change of all classes (for us elective teachers).

So here is what made my day perk up today. Here it was a bluesy Sunday....ugh....what to cook for lunch. I am snooping around the fridge and freezer. I just don't want to eat the leftovers from last night DAG-NABBIT!! Are you feeling what I saying? So before I tell you what I concocted....I will show you a picture and see if you can put together parts of this whole.

Just so you know...the pix isn't's the steam from the soup. I shot the pic right after I ladled it out.

Nice huh? I think I am getting better at this. (Funny footnote to these pictures: I show K-man my pix after lunch and I am getting ready to write and load for the day....he says...."Can't we just have some ugly food on some days? Like some good ole grilled cheese?" I busted out laughing. I asked him why he said that AFTER I showed him that I had photographed our lunch, he didn't make that comment when I served it to him...Men. LOL Besides I don't think a grilled cheese is an ugly food. The brown crustiness of the bread, cheese oozinees....mmmmm.

So what is the name of my concoction up there?....hmmm. I think Cajun Chicken Pozole, K-man says it should be called Chicken Enchilada Hominy Soup. (too wordy for me). LOL. Sunday Leftover Soup?

SO let's break it down....You may recognize the chicken that was on the skewers are in here. The fusilli pasta is here. Then I nosed through the many containers in the freezer that I needed to get rid of and I thought that they all went well. So I dumped them all in and THIS was GREAT!!! Here's what I ended up using....

First as my base:
Chicken and Sausage Gumbo Soup by Progresso (it's kinda spicy)
Two leftover skewers of grilled chicken (cut up in chunks)
1- 15oz can of hominy (from the pantry K-man has been nagging me to cook)
1 cup of my leftover tomato puree (was in freezer)
1 cup of homemade enchilada sauce (was in freezer)
1 cup of leftover butter green beans from a dinner
1 1/2 cups (?) of leftover cooked fusilli (chopped in bite sized pieces)

Heat until piping real cooking for everything was cooked already. I added no seasoning or salt or pepper for everything had been seasoned when it was a meal from before. It was perfect. After heated, I added just a little eye candy for serving....Parmesan Cheese

But more importantly you have to have the cutest bowl to put it in first....

I have only two soup bowls, two bread plates and two mini bowls (for like pudding). I got them last year at Home Goods. The had them in red too. I would had preferred green since that is my main COLOR through the house...but oh well. If it's CAT....I can overlook color. If they had been in green I would have gotten the WHOLE LOT. Set of 4 or 8.

So call my soup what you want....I am sure I will never replicate it again. But I sure did free up space in the refrigerator!!!! Woohoo!!!

BTW: K-man read my blog finally. He was very kid-like over it. He was not only touched but I could tell he was thrilled to be included in my new blog. AND he approved of my name for him. He was glad it wasn't K-fed....ugh. never. LOL. But what he IS suggesting that I include once a week, is some MAN food recipe. Again....I busted out laughing. (I wondered quietly to myself as to why HoneyB's husband is called Grumpy? Was he unwillingly brought in her blog? Cuz K-man sure wants to be included and is starting his suggestions!!!) Well, I don't have a problem with some of his input....that would be fun. So be on the look out!!!

Tonight's Menu:

Sausage, Mushroom and Onion Pizza (I always have a thin frozen crust in the freezer). We don't use sauce for we like our pizza "white" - we want to taste the toppings on the pizza....sauce to us often is too highly flavored and muddles the overall flavor. It's fresh sliced tomatoes or nothing at all....oh speaking of which, I have some grape tomatoes I can throw on there....Yeah, more room freed up from the fridge!!!


Wake me up for treats when all the football is done

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