Thursday, January 15, 2009

Man Food

As K-man had suggested, I am making 'man food' tonight. PIZZA. I tend to make Pizzas on Thursday after his man activity, band practice. Somehow pizza doesn't seem as bad when you make it yourself.
AND since his bike riding doesn't happen very often during winter he's concerned about weight gain so I tweaked it, making it healthier for us.

Barbecue Chicken Pizza

Whole Wheat Tortillas
Leftover grilled chicken (or any chicken you have leftover)
Assorted Julienned Veggies (I used peppers and red onion)
2% Mozzarella Cheese
Barbecue Sauce

Preheat oven @ 400 degrees. I laid out 4 tortillas, I squirted about a Tbsp. of barbecue sauce on each tortilla and spread it around with a pastry brush (if you want a 'saucier' pizza, use 2 Tbsp). I chopped up the leftover grilled chicken (we had about 1-1/2 breasts leftover) and portioned it out on all 4 tortillas. I used a whole package of cheese (about 2 cups) and put all of it on the pizzas. Arrange your veggies on your pizzas nicely. Bake until crispy about 10 minutes (our ovens vary of course, so watch them) Make 4 thin crust pizzas (the size of your pizzas are dependent on the size of your tortillas).

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