Thursday, January 29, 2009

Highly Suggested Reading...

I found this book online (of course @ Amazon) many months ago and it seemed interesting. Not only did I get it but I also got the 'kids' version for school and can I just say....OMG! It's an eye opener. So many hidden things like fat, trans fat, sodium or salt.

So, after I purchased this book (even did an activity with my 8th grade class on food choices) was popping up everywhere. I saw it being used on Biggest Loser, K-man found an article on it in his bike magazine, the author was on one of those early morning shows (can't remember which one I was watching) and on 1/27/09, David Zinczenko was on Oprah. This was a follow up on her show on childhood obesity. Trust me since I am a teacher....the sizes I see of my middle school students today is shocking!!! The girls even think their gut hanging off their pants is sexy (here I am doing everything I can to HIDE mine!!) And when I have classes about nutrition...they shrug and don't care what the eat is bad for them....'but it tastes good'....very sad, I tell you.

Now that I bought this book on whim many months ago, now.... IT'S HOT! I am seeing this book and the author David (from Men's Health magazine) everywhere. And I am sure there are plenty other shows/places I have not seen this book being discussed.

The reason I am bringing up this gem to you? It hit me like a brick, when I was reading one of my foodie blogs that I subscribe to (not telling who...LOL) and this recipe was being showcased as healthy... the blog author used turkey bacon. I immediately said "UH-OH!" If you read the book or even saw on Oprah....the misconception is the regular bacon is awful and turkey bacon is the 'HEALTHIER' option....sorry but not true. They BOTH have to EXACT same CALORIE and FAT but it's the SODIUM that makes the turkey bacon the worst choice. Also remember that bacon is more natural for it's not 'processed'. So, you aren't really eating healthier and anything processed over things obtained naturally...can't be good over time.

To tease you with some subjects from his book that may convince you to get it....

  • 8 foods you should eat everyday
  • 20 foods to avoid at all costs
  • Best and worst meals at your favorite restaurants
  • Eat this, not that Menu decoder (at your favorite restaurants)
  • Holidays and Special Occasions (the better choices to make, that is)
  • At the supermarket
  • Drink this, not that
  • What to eat when you are...tired, stressed, etc
  • Eat this, not that for KIDS
It's highly pictorial and chocked FULL of information. If you THINK you are pretty knowledgeable about nutrition (I did, being a college educated FACS teacher) then think again. Even I, queen of the classroom, learned TONS!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I have switched Hubby over to turkey bacon because I thought it was healthier??? Where have I been! I'm going to look further into this. It's his blood pressure I was worried about. Thanks so much.
